Vampyres in OSRS are deeply rooted in the game’s lore. They are denizens of Morytania, a dark and mysterious region filled with danger and intrigue. To effectively combat them, it’s crucial to understand their origins, motivations, and hierarchy within their society.
Vampyres can be found in various locations throughout Morytania. Discover the best spots to encounter them, including dungeons, graveyards, and towns.
Here are some of the known locations:
- Burgh de Rott (after completing the “In Aid of the Myreque” quest)
- Darkmeyer (requires completing “Sins of the Father” quest)
- God Wars Dungeon (Vyrewatch are found here; requires 70 Agility and a Morytania diary reward)
Gear Setup

Fighting vampyres in Old School RuneScape (OSRS) can be challenging, but it’s essential for various quests, tasks, and obtaining valuable items. Here’s a guide on how to effectively deal with vampyres in OSRS:
Vampire Slayer Quest (Optional):
If you haven’t already completed the “Vampire Slayer” quest, it’s a good idea to start with this. It grants you experience in Attack and helps you fight vampyres more effectively.
- Weapon: A weapon with a high attack bonus in either Stab or Crush is effective against vampyres. The best options include the Ivandis Flail, the Blisterwood Flail, or a dragon weapon.
- Armour: Wear the best armor you can afford, such as Barrows or better.
- Food: Bring high-healing food like sharks or better.
- Drakan’s Medallion: If you have access to Darkmeyer, the Drakan’s Medallion can teleport you close to the vampyre area.
- Teleportation Method: Bring a teleportation method (e.g., an Amulet of Glory) to escape if needed.
- Prayer Potions: If you have access to Protect from Melee (Piety or Chivalry), you can bring prayer potions for longer trips.
- If you are fighting vampyres in Burgh de Rott or Darkmeyer, you can use Protect from Melee to reduce damage.
- In the God Wars Dungeon, you can safe-spot Vyrewatch using the environment, as they use ranged and magic attacks.
Drops and Rewards
- Vampyres drop various items, including runes, herbs, blood runes, and their unique drops.
- Unique drops include the Vyre noble outfit, Blisterwood weapons, and the Drakan’s Medallion (from Vyrewatch in Darkmeyer).
- Vyrewatch in Darkmeyer also drop Vyre corpses, which can be cremated for Firemaking experience and vyre corpses cremation points.
Quests and Tasks
Completing quests like “In Aid of the Myreque,” “Sins of the Father,” and others related to Morytania may involve combatting vampyres. Be prepared for these encounters.
You can heal by using the Guthan’s Set effect or the Vampyric Blood Essence. The Blood Essence is a pocket slot item and provides passive healing when using the special attack option.
Healing in Burgh de Rott:
In Burgh de Rott, you can heal by participating in the Temple Trekking minigame or by completing the “In Aid of the Myreque” quest to unlock the Burgh de Rott Ramble.