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OSRS Best Non-Slayer Monsters for Money

best non-slayer monsters

Old School RuneScape (OSRS) offers a multitude of ways to fatten up your coin pouch, and while slayer tasks can be lucrative, there are plenty of non-slayer monsters that can be equally, if not more, profitable. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to diversify your income streams or a newcomer seeking a golden opportunity, this guide will unveil the top non-slayer monsters that will fill your coffers with OSRS gold.

The Green Dragons: Masters of the Wilderness

Wilderness Slayer: Green Dragons are not only formidable creatures but also one of the most profitable monsters to farm in the Wilderness. Located in level 13 Wilderness, these dragons drop valuable items like dragon bones and green dragonhide, which can be sold for substantial profits. Just be wary of PKers (player killers) lurking in the area.

Revenants: The Haunting Bounty

Wilderness Slayer: For the fearless adventurers, Revenants offer a risk-and-reward experience like no other. These formidable foes drop a wide range of valuable items, including the elusive Ancient Crystals, which can be exchanged for the potent Ancient weaponry. Revenant hunting can be extremely lucrative, but it’s also perilous due to the ever-present threat of PKers in the Wilderness.

Brutal Black Dragons: Fire and Fury

Kourend & Kebos Diary Requirement: Located in the Catacombs of Kourend, Brutal Black Dragons require the Kourend & Kebos Diary to access. These dragons drop dragon bones, black dragonhides, and the coveted Draconic Visage, a rare item that fetches a hefty price on the Grand Exchange. Their location and requirements make them an excellent choice for those seeking consistent profits.

Demonic Gorillas: A Fierce Challenge

Monkey Madness II Requirement: Demonic Gorillas are unlocked after completing the Monkey Madness II quest. While they are challenging opponents, they yield substantial rewards. Their drop table includes valuable items such as Zenyte shards, Ballistae, and the highly sought-after Zenyte jewelry, making them a favorite among experienced players.

Zulrah: The Serpentine Wealth

Regicide and Western Provinces Diary Requirement: Zulrah, the powerful snake boss located in Zul-Andra, is a formidable foe that requires precision and skill to defeat. However, the rewards are astounding. Zulrah’s drop table boasts rare items like the Tanzanite Mutagen, Serpentine Visage, and valuable resource drops like herbs and seeds. Mastering this boss can be a long-term investment with consistent returns.

Smoke Devils: Smoking Profits

Desert Treasure Requirement: Smoke Devils, unlocked after completing the Desert Treasure quest, are a popular choice for players seeking both combat experience and profit. Their unique drop, the Smoke Battlestaff, is a valuable item, and their regular loot includes valuable herbs, seeds, and rune items. It’s an excellent way to accumulate wealth while gaining combat levels.

Skeletal Wyverns: Frosty Fortune

Asgarnia & Fremennik Diary Requirement: Skeletal Wyverns, located in the Asgarnian Ice Dungeon, are known for their valuable drops, including Wyvern Bones and the coveted Draconic Visage. To access them, you’ll need to complete parts of the Asgarnia and Fremennik Diaries, but the effort is well worth the rewards.