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OSRS Getting Ahead Quest Guide

osrs Getting Ahead quest guide

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Start the quest by speaking to Gordon or Mary, the farmers located in the Kebos Lowlands.
  2. They will inform you about a beast that has been terrorizing their farm and ask for your help.
  3. Head towards the farm and follow the trail of flour to the Kebos Lowlands mine.
  4. Inside the mine, you will encounter the Headless Beast. Prepare for a battle and defeat it using melee attacks.
  5. Search the nearby skeleton to find Neilan’s journal, which is needed to prove to Gordon that the beast is dead.
  6. Return to Gordon and show him the journal to convince him.
  7. Gordon will then ask you to create a fake head. Gather the required items: clay, bear fur, and red dye.
  8. Use these items to craft the fake head.
  9. Finally, mount the fake head in Gordon’s house to complete the quest.

Completing the “Getting Ahead” quest rewards you with coins, crafting and construction experience, and grants you access to a tannery in the Kebos Lowlands.