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OSRS Digsite Pendant Guide

osrs digsite pendant guide

The Digsite Pendant is a handy item in OSRS that allows players to teleport to the Digsite area, providing quick access to various quests, training activities, and valuable resources. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about obtaining and using the Digsite Pendant.

Obtaining the Digsite Pendant

To obtain a Digsite Pendant, you’ll first need to complete the Digsite quest. Here are the steps to get started:

1. Start the Digsite Quest Begin the Digsite quest by speaking to an Examiner located in the Exam Centre, east of Varrock. The Exam Centre is marked on the world map.

2. Gather Required Items Before starting the quest, make sure you have the following items in your inventory:

  • A cup of tea (obtained during the quest)
  • A pestle and mortar (can be bought in Varrock)
  • A specimen brush (can also be obtained during the quest)

Complete the Quest

Follow the quest’s objectives and solve puzzles to complete the Digsite quest. It involves various tasks such as cleaning specimens, repairing bridges, and solving puzzles. Ensure you pay attention to the quest dialogue to understand the story.

Receive the Pendant

Upon completing the quest, you’ll be rewarded with the Digsite Pendant. You can find it in your inventory.